
To become a peerless bank in terms of providing efficient & innovative banking services, safeguarding depositor’s interest, fulfilling shareholders desire, supporting economic growth of the country with particular attention to channelize regular inflow of foreign remittance of Bangladeshi expatriates working abroad and also the inflow of idle and less remunerative fund held with wealthy NRBs.


The bank shall devote in creating confidence for investment among the Bangladeshi expatriates offering them desired services, attractive profitability and secured investment through our various financial products.

The bank shall create extra-ordinary opportunities to the intending wage earners in getting jobs abroad through our dependable and reliable intermediary services.

The bank shall arrange need based effective training and education programme for the intending FC wage earners of Bangladesh to survive against competitors of other countries.

The bank shall deliver service excellence through providing existing & innovative products in cost & time efficient manner, to its all retail & corporate customers.

The bank shall constantly focus and monitor the changing needs and aspirations of its customers, to develop new and reengineer the process of service delivery.

The bank shall always be vigilant to maintain banking business risks within its tolerable limit in order to protect depositor’s interest and ensure highest return to the shareholders.

The bank shall be the forerunner in exploiting new sources of fund such as assets securitization, issuance of mutual fund etc., for addressing the needs of newly emerged financing areas such as SME financing, factoring, micro finance, IT based products, housing financing etc. with a view to furthering the economic growth of the country.

The bank shall create an enabling environment, adopt and nurture carefully a team-based culture where people will be motivated to accept banking challenges and to face other competitors.